T & C

All of the artwork available on this site can be shipped to UK & EU territories at no extra charge. Trackable postage is included in the sale price, with up to £500 cover for damage or loss in transit.

If you require shipping arrangements to other territories or prefer a different method of delivery, please reach me via my website or the contact form this shop to ensure correct fees are paid to cover shipping costs.

For editions under 50 in number - only one item is available to buy for each person at any given time, no doubling up.

Artwork is packaged with acid-free tissue, bubble wrap (where applicable) and encased in a hard mailing tube or box. Whilst every care has been taken in the manufacturing process, each print may exhibit unique characteristics or undocumented features. Work produced and labelled as experimental may display qualities correspondent with the nature of the artworks.

Anaglyph artworks rely on particular hues which are very difficult to photograph, the very pale blue is almost invisible in digital imagery, yet works wonderfully in the flesh. Whilst every effort has been made to portray the physical prints themselves, the actual paper versions are much more effective when viewed through glasses under bright light.

All payments systems are provided by Stripe and Paypal.